Book 1 in the A Full Lifetime Career of Seeking Perfection Driven by Family and Mentors trilogy
Book 2 in the Development of Next Generations of Army Aviation Systems trilogy

Daniel P. Schrage
“Although a quiet individual, Dan has earned the friendship of everyone he has encountered. He has earned fame and prestige while distinguishing himself as one of Army’s finest basketball players. In addition to his talents on the court, Dan also has the potential equally well in academics, but the lure of the more important things of life, sleep in particular, has kept him from wearing stars. No doubt a success in whatever he attempts both in the Army and four years hence, Dan will also carry with him the distinction of being one of West Point’s finest.” – 1967 Howitzer

Guardian 3
Why was winning the Vietnam War unsuccessful?
Why is it so difficult for the Army to develop and field New Aircraft?
Why is it so difficult to Develop and Sustain a Graduate Program in Aerospace Systems Design?